October 14, 2022 2 min read 0 Comments

It’s been a sad and challenging year so far, for all sorts of reasons, and one of the places I feel happiest is painting at my easel. When I’m painting, I lose myself in the moment. It is the ultimate mindfulness programme.

Colour therapy

I certainly feel art has the power to affect your mood, and there are even studies that prove that bright colours can make you happier. I have been experimenting with some crazy cloud colours. 


In fact, clouds are my new favourite thing to paint, and as I slowly get to grips with oil paint; one of the most satisfying. The nuances of colour that can be achieved with the oil paints is far superior in my opinion. See the print version here.


Precious Memories

Recently I discovered that some of my paintings have been purchased as memorials for loved ones that have passed too soon. I cannot express how honoured I am that they have chosen my work to represent their feelings.

It is an enormous privilege for me to be a small part of their experience and one I do not underestimate. I am beyond grateful.

Culture Night 2022

One of my highlights this year was Culture Night in September. We opened our Gorey Gallery late, set up my easel with a couple of paintings I am working on. We had lots of visitors, who came to chat and see what I do. It was heartening to speak to all the young aspiring artists that came on the night. Their energy is infectious and inspiring.

There was a terrific buzz and I met some really lovely people, who told me how my paintings made them feel. One lady expressed how she never thought she was “arty” but the experience of being in the gallery and seeing all the paintings and prints was so emotionally powerful that she wept. As an artist it is both disconcerting and gratifying, that people can have such strong responses to my work.


As we slowly recover from the Covid hangover, I am aware that it has changed how we express ourselves. We only have one life, and we need to live it as authentically as possible. Thank you for helping me continue to do what I really love.

